IHS Grant Opportunities 2017


The International Headache Society (IHS) is accepting applications for clinical and/or basic headache research fellowships.

The IHS fellowship award aims to support innovative and impactful research from young investigators, promote the career of young investigators in the field of headache, and increase the knowledge base of headache disorders.

Applications for basic or clinical headache research, or a combination of basic and clinical research, will be considered.

  • The applicant should be within 7 years of completing training (MD, PhD, specialty training, whatever was last) not including non-professional periods.
  • The hosting institution must be different from the home institution and preferably, but not necessarily, in another country.
  • The applicant and mentor must be members of IHS

APPLY NOW if you are interested in enrolling in one of these international programmes.

Deadline: 15 May 2017

Please click HERE to download an application form.

Junior Travel Grants to IHC 2017

Travel grants are now available for Juniors to attend the 18th International Headache Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 7-10 September 2017.

  • Currently a trainee or resident (graduate or PhD students, postdoctoral scholars or clinician in training who are less than 7 years in postdoctoral or clinical training).
  • At least one submitted abstract OR if you have NOT submitted an abstract and you are a resident of a developing country.
  • An IHS member.


Deadline: 21 April 2016

Please click HERE to download an application form.

Headache Trainee Programme

The Trainee Programme aims to encourage physicians from developing countries or countries in transition to visit a specialised headache institution abroad and actively increase knowledge on headache disorders and specialised headache management.

The Trainee Programme offers a clinical training period of up to 12 weeks at a headache centre abroad.

  • The applicant should have finished neurology training no more than 10 years ago.
  • The grant is restricted only to applicants from developing countries or countries in transition (Hinari countries – see list on the application form).
  • Applicants must be members of IHS .


Deadline: 1 May 2017

Please click HERE to download an application form

Short-stay Scholarships

The Short Stay Scholarships are offered to young researchers from developing countries to fund visits to attend the 18th International Headache Congress and attend a research institution in Canada for up to 6 weeks.

  • PhD students, residents in Neurology or Neurophysiology or post-graduate research fellows applying within 7 years from completion of their training, who are resident in any of the Hinari countries (see list on the application form).
  • The applicant should have a good understanding and be conversant in English.
  • Applicants must be members of IHS.


Deadline: 31 March 2017

Please click HERE to download an application form.

Tell your colleagues about the
IHS Grant opportunities in 2017

Spread the word in your institution!

To learn more please visit the IHS website or contact Carol Taylor

Company limited by guarantee, registered in England no. 2988368
Registered Charity no. 1042574
Registered office: 52-53 Russell Square, London, WC1B 4HP, UK.

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